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Taco Pumps
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Company Taco Group - one of the world's leading manufacturers of pumping equipment.
Spanish Taco Group Corporation was established in 1962. During this time the company has become world famous thanks to the production of modern technology, in accordance with the most advanced technologies. Taco company known for its innovative solutions of issues associated with pumping equipment. Developments and modern inventions Taco engineers in the production of pumps take over many other well-known manufacturers of pumping systems. In the manufacture of pumps Taco uses only the finest materials, our specialists carried out multi-stage control of each product. Corporation Taco known for producing pump equipment with constant introduction of new technologies. Today, these modern technologies are employed in many countries.
For 45 years the company became a significant association with other European manufacturers. Today Taco - a 49 assembly plants in Spain and 18 shops abroad, producing more than 900 000 pumping units annually. The company's products Taco is world famous. The company has its own subsidiaries in Portugal, France and Italy, Germany, Britain and Mexico, as well as in Chile, Argentina, China and Lebanon. Taco exports its products in 130 countries.
Pumps and pumping systems Taco are widely used in industry and in everyday life.
Taco Company produces systems for homes and cottages - a sewage pumping systems, submersible and drainage pumps, pumps for water supply at home, for pools and spas, pumps to irrigate the garden. Company Taco produced water pumping systems and pressure rise, as well as pumps for petroleum products.
One of the main Taco - manufacture of pumping equipment for homes, cottages, as well as for use in home gardens. The company produces Taco surface and submersible self-priming pumps, which are used for water from wells, boreholes, as well as with various surface water bodies: lakes, rivers, quarries.
Surface Pumping Systems Taco models such as 007, 006, 009 and 0010, 0011, 0012 and 0013, as well as 0015, 005 and 004 used for lifting water from depths of up to 9 meters. When the depth exceeds 9 m, using submersible pumps Taco models Taco007, Taco 007 f5, 007 F5 and pumps Taco model 007 IFC.
To lift water from wells of different diameters are used pumps Taco models Acua 4, Neptun and Saturn 4 (for wells with a diameter of 100 mm) and Saturn 6 (for wells with a diameter of 150 mm).
In order to maintain constant pressure in the system using pumping stations Taco, marking remains unchanged with the addition to the name Booster and the end of 202 (using a membrane tank and pressure switch), 02 (when using automatic KIT 02) or 05 (when using automatic KIT 2005 ). For pumping water varying degrees of contamination are applied Taco pumps for sewerage and drainage works.
Electric pumps Taco Vigila model 100 series, 50/200/350/500 and Drain model used for pumping polluted water with no content in it fiber components and a small amount of suspended solids. When the presence of solid particles suspended in the contaminated water using large pumps Taco model Vigilex 300/600 series and SS and model Drainex Series 100/150 and 200/300. For the pumping of sewage and wastewater, heavily contaminated solid and long-fiber inclusions, as well as organic matter and materials such as cloth or plastic used pumps Taco model Vigicor or Draincor.
Normalnovsasyvayuschie pumps Taco model Prisma series 15/25 and 35/45 and model Tecno used for irrigation of home gardens and lawns, where the depth of the water source does not exceed 2 meters. If the depth at which water occurs, exceeds 9 m, it is advisable to use submersible pumps Taco model Vigila 50/200/350/500 and 100 series, model 300/600 series Vigilex and SS, Drain, Drainex series model 100/150 and 200 / 300, as well submersible pump models Taco Acuaria.
Pump Systems Taco models Tiper and Way are used to provide water pools and whirlpools. Among the products Taco specially allocate automatic water pumping stations and pumping stations increase the pressure in the various systems of domestic, municipal and industrial purposes.
Systems Taco, which are used in household purposes - it pumping stations with membrane tank and the device - pressure switch, as well as stations equipped with automatic block KIT. The industry used booster installation Taco, among them are hydro-pneumatic pumping station (operated pressure switch) and pumping stations Taco a smooth adjustment of speed (controlled by a frequency converter). In order to increase the pressure in the system used pumping stations Taco models Multi, Press-Line VE, Aspri and Prisma series 15/25 and 35/45, model and series Tecno Leader. Taco Pumps are widely used for pumping oil and petroleum products such as diesel fuel oil with low viscosity, as well as water and antifreeze. For these purposes, low voltage pumps UP (12-24 B) or gate self-priming pumps Taco series Doil and Red. These pumps are widely used in agriculture, industry and the domestic sector for fueling equipment and machinery, transport, motor boats and other vessels. Taco pumps for pumping petroleum quiet and economical in the high quality used for their construction materials ensures high reliability and long service life. These pumps have a special thermal protection and does not require maintenance.
Compact Sewage Clean installation can be used instead of the traditional gravity sewerage, for example, when this type of sewage can not be established (in the kitchen and bathrooms are located below the reservoir, or removed from each other). Pump system Taco Clean is equipped with macerator, input for direct connection of the toilet and three inputs for other sources, such as bath, shower, washing machine and dishwasher.
Company Taco, in addition to pumps and pumping plants, produces decorative columns for irrigation and lighting plots or lawns. Such pumping systems Taco, as Multirain and Tecnorain widely applied to collaborate in programmable irrigation and watering systems.
Anticipating the main trends in the market pumps Taco company developed a brand new group of products Guinard. Several impellers can improve system efficiency by 30%, significantly reducing power consumption. Concern Taco Group has its own factory, which manufactured electric motors, it allows to improve technology to improve efficiency. Since 1985, the company uses a patented system Taco floating hydraulics, which is used for deep-well pumps, so, for example, pumps GALAX Guinard used for pumping water containing sand and 150 g/m3, such pumps are efficient even in the presence of sand inside the shell. Series Pump Guinard - Xenacontrol provides a stable water supply and special developments Taco protected from running dry, and pumps Taco series DORINOX Guinard equipped with a completely new system of sensors that allow you to program the entire system.
All products Taco corresponds mainly to European standards: DIN-EN-ISO 9001:1994, Directive 89/392/CEE on security mechanisms, directive 73/23/EEC on the voltage 98/336/SEE directive on electromagnetic compatibility, European Norm EN 60335, directives 2000/14/SSE in terms of sound, as well as the USA ASTM.
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