Friday, July 30, 2010

Pumps Varisco

* Taco Pumps
* Pumps DAB
* ESPA Pumps
* Grundfos Pumps
* Wilo Pumps
* Pumps Tapflo
* Pumps Varisco
* Pumps Victor Pumps

Manufacture of pumps Varisco started in 1948 in Italy, near Venice, in the industrial area of Padua. Today, Varisco - a modern production complex, with large squares, which carried out the design, manufacture and testing of various types of pumps and pumping equipment. Company Varisco owned Innovation Center, which are being developed for designing new kinds of pumping equipment for various industries.

Varisco has acquired an international reputation for producing pumps. These pumping stations are to perform complex tasks in various fields of production, namely food, tsellyulozobumazhnoy, chemical, paint industry, the manufacturing processes associated with woodworking and water treatment, as well as in other industries.

Motor-pomp Varisco can be equipped with diesel or electric motors have a fixed or mobile version (wheeled truck or car trailers), equipped with control devices and other accessories for optimum performance of all assigned to the equipment problems.

Varisco manufactures pumping equipment for use in various industries, civil construction and security in many areas of life.

Mobile high-capacity pumps are used to provide emergency water and disadvantaged areas. Appliances Varisco used for flood control, for pumping water from a variety of technical and natural reservoirs for drainage of ponds and swamps. Motor-pomp Varisco used at military installations in Italy.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Special Series PEX Universe Pump

We offer:

* Drainage pumps
* Drainage pumps J TRM
* Drain Pumps ST
* Mobile drain pumps Simple

* Gear Pumps
* Chemical gear pumps V TRM
* Food gear pumps Ciocco

Motor-pomp PEX Universe Series J - a pumping system, made on the basis of centrifugal self-priming pumps with high output, designed for pumping highly polluted water and other liquids with solid particles with a diameter up to 76 mm. Motor-pomp J Series PEX Universe implement Self-priming from depths of up to 8 m, various models of this series provide feeding 8 - 1350 m3 / h. Pump parts are made of cast iron pumps are equipped with diesel or electric motor and mounted on car trailers and wheeled trolley. Depending on the application of pumps PEX Universe J series can be equipped with shields, control, suction and pressure hoses and other accessories. Among the models in this series pumps emit PEX Universe J for hazardous liquids.

Gear Pumps PEX Universe V series are designed for pumping high-viscosity liquids and liquids with temperatures up to 300 ° C. Various models of this series are made of cast iron and stainless steel. Pumps PEX Universe V-Series provides a constant flow of fluid at the outlet, reversibility of the transfer, low operating cost, a wide range of temperatures and species of the pumped liquid (bitumen, grease, glue, alkalis, cosmetics, creams, vegetable and mineral oils, detergents and many other things).

Pumps PEX Universe Series V TRM - this gear pumps with magnetic drive (magnetic pumps), they are manufactured specifically for pumping volatile toxic and explosive substances.

PEX Universe Pump Systems E-Series are designed for pumping polluted water temperature to 90 ° C and suspended particles of diameter up to 38 mm. Models in this series are one-piece self-priming centrifugal pump system with open impeller. The range of the pump PEX Universe Series E: from 8 to 100 m3 / h, pressure: 13,5-2,5 m, 4.12 m, 5.13 m

Centrifugal self-priming pumps PEX Universe ST series provide continuous availability of the fluid in the pump, thanks to the special hull design. In this series of pumps used to drive an electric motor or motor-driven internal combustion engines of various capacities.

In addition to the modern pumping systems, the company PEX Universe creates accessories for motor pumps, such as filters of various diameters, pressure hoses and much more.

All equipment PEX Universe passes strict quality control. Since 2000, the company PEX Universe has been certified ISO 9001:1994, since 2003 - Certified ISO 9001:2000.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pumps Tapflo

* Pumps DAB
* ESPA Pumps
* Grundfos Pumps
* Wilo Pumps
* Pumps Tapflo
* Pumps Varisco
* Pumps Victor Pumps
* Taco Circulator Pumps

Tapflo company was founded in 1985 in the town Kungelv in Sweden. Tapflo designs, manufactures and sells pneumatic diaphragm pumps. Employ Tapflo includes 60 employees.

Manufacture of pumps Tapflo is certified for compliance with ISO 9001:2000, ATEX certified for products that can be used in hazardous areas. All products Tapflo CE marked and complies with the EU to machinery.

Tapflo creates pumps with a minimum number of parts that can facilitate their maintenance, installation and repair. Pumps Tapflo not require electricity in the process of working that makes them indispensable when working in closed piping and valves and explosion safety. Systems Tapflo - environmentally friendly, thanks to the lubrication system to the distribution of atmospheric air. Pumps Tapflo not require protection systems, as they can operate without damage to dry. The flow can be changed in any limits, that makes setting up pumps Tapflo maximum light.

Pumps Tapflo pumping corrosive, abrasive, flammable, chemically aggressive, high-and low viscosity, liquid, with great flow and substance sensitive to the cross section and is widely used in chemical, machinery, paper, printing, colorful and varnish industry, in technological processes for surface finishing, as well as for use in a hygienically clean environment.

With the help of pumps to pump Tapflo by substances such as acids, alkalis and alcohols of various types. Pumps used for pumping Tapflo latex and emulsions, as well as all sorts of chemical waste.

Pumping system Tapflo used for pumping chemicals from a variety of tanks to perform processes such as electroplating, degreasing and passivation.

Thanks Tapflo pump systems can be performed on the dosing of acid and alkali, the pumping of flocculation of mixtures, suspensions, sludge, and various chemicals, as well as glue, dye and titanium oxide, sodium silicate, paints, inks, varnishes and solvents.
We offer:

* Pneumatic pumps Tapflo
* Diaphragm pumps, stainless steel
* Diaphragm pumps, plastic
* Diaphragm pumps in aluminum

With the help of pumps Tapflo in the printing and paint industry is recycling, and mixing the ink, in the engineering industry - pumping oil, grease, lubricating, cleaning and cooling fluids and waste.

Pumps Tapflo also used in the food industry and in industries where there is respect for sterility, for pumping liquid food products, alcoholic beverages, condiments, toothpaste, various creams and perfumes.

Pumps Tapflo model FIP - this is a flexible impeller pumps, they are used in chemical, food and cosmetic industries, to move the viscous fluid with mechanical impurities, and provide the pressure to 4 bar with a capacity of up to 500 l / min, made of stainless steel and bronze.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Separate series pumps Tapflo

Tapflo models UTN-L, UTS, ETN, STN, ETS, UTS-B - a centrifugal pump with magnetic clutch, which makes the pump is completely sealed, such pumps are used in systems that do not allow leakage of the pumped liquid. All these models are made of stainless steel, polypropylene (PP), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Delivers up to 320 m3 / h, with a maximum water temperature 80-140 ° C.

Claw pumps Tapflo used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, such pumps, pumping various fluids, do not destroy their internal structure.

Pumps Tapflo model TopLobe provide the pressure to 22 bar and performance up to 115 m3 / h,

Tapflo model TopWing provide the pressure to 15 bar and performance up to 156 m3/hr. These models are made of stainless steel.

Screw Pumps Tapflo models H, C, I, F, 1VA, GBB designed for moving heavy and viscous industrial fluids. This type of pumps used in sewage treatment plants as well as the dairy industry.

Screw Pumps Moineau Tapflo design made of stainless steel and cast iron, delivers up to 500 m3 / h with a pressure of 200 bar.

Peristaltic (or hose) pumps Tapflo models, Z, PMA, DL, DSC designed for pumping highly viscous and solid inclusions. In pumps of this type are no mechanical seals, they provide good suction. Peristaltic pumps are made from a combination of elastomers, provide the pressure to 15 bar, capacity up to 68 m3/hr.

Among the pumping equipment Tapflo also produce water supplied by the RE models, LG1, LG2 used in high-tech processes.

Gear pumps models TGL, TGG, TGH used for pumping oil and other viscous liquids.

Centrifugal vertical pumps model S, designed for installation directly over the reservoir from which liquid is pumped, these pumps are used for chemically aggressive fluids.

Drum pumps model JP100 - JP400 - pumping food and industrial fluids from standard tanks - barrels and cubes of height not more than 1,2 m.

Among the pumping systems Tapflo allocate powder pumps designed for safe and clean transfer of powders. This model TXP220 XEES, 1 1 / 2 "and TXP420 XEES, 2. These types of pumps Tapflo perform the same work as the complex powder systems, with their security, portability and mobility. In a sealed system from the container with the powder in a given vessel is pumped soot, resin, silicon, sintered powder or other powders, the weight of which ranges from 80 to 720 kg/m3. Powder pumps Tapflo productive, safe and easy to use.

In addition to membrane pumps Tapflo company manufactures accessories for the pumping systems:

* Vibration dampers
* Alarm systems Aperture
* Blocks automatic control
* Level control system
* Environmentally safe dosing and mixing pnevmiksery

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Grundfos Pumps

* Pumps DAB
* ESPA Pumps
* Grundfos Pumps
* Wilo Pumps
* Pumps Tapflo
* Pumps Varisco
* Pumps Victor Pumps

Grundfos Group - a company which is a world leader in the design and manufacture of high quality pumping equipment, covering about half the needs of the entire world market. Grundfos - the equipment that is trusted by millions of professionals across the globe. Their choice is clear - because each pump Grundfos is a full cycle of hard testing, which absolutely excludes marriage and makes this equipment is unsurpassed in reliability. The company Grundfos is one of the leading position among manufacturers of high quality pump systems. Pumps Grundfos - a 50% global market pumping equipment. The total production volume pumping systems Gryundfos - about 10 million units per year. High quality Grundfos pumping systems, and such additional equipment for pumps, as electric motors and high-precision electronics appreciated by the specialists of various areas of production in many countries.

Grundfos Pumps - is the result of a cohesive creative professionals working in production plants Grundfos Group, located in Denmark, Brazil, Finland, China, Hungary. Manufacture of pumps and pumping equipment Grundfos also conducted in Italy, UK, USA, Taiwan, France, Germany and Switzerland. The company Grundfos Group owns Facility Poul Due Jensen Foundation. Most products sold own national companies in countries where manufactured products Grundfos.

Grundfos Pumps are used in heating, air conditioning and hot water - circulating pumps of various capacities, for lifting water from wells, lakes or other bodies of water and pressure increase in existing pipelines - the surface pumps are different levels of performance.

Gryundfos - is well - industrial and household pumps, sewage and drainage - sewage pumping system. Equipment Gryundfos used in local and central heating systems and water supply for the refrigeration and air conditioning facilities of various types and razmera.Nasosy Gryundfos used to transport hot and cold running water and other liquids to a higher altitude, submersible Grundfos pump systems are indispensable for hydrogeological and drilling operations, to supply groundwater to the surface and lowering the groundwater level.

Grundfos Pumps have been used to solve the problems of drinking and industrial water supply in Indonesia, one of the cities of this country was created entirely new water canal, decided the issue of tens of thousands of people. Thanks to innovative solutions specialists Grundfos, with fully equipped booster station solved the problem of low pressure in the expanding system of water supply in the UK. With the Grundfos pump equipment have been upgraded water system in Canada, Germany and USA.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

History of the pumps

The invention pump dates back to antiquity. The first NA to suppress fires, which invented the ancient mechanic Ktesiby, was described in 1. BC. Oe. The ancient Greek scientists Heron from Alexandria in the book "Pneumatica", and then M. Vituviem at work "De Architectura". Simple wooden pumps with a through piston for lifting water from wells, probably used even earlier. Before 18. Piston pumps, compared with water engine used sparingly. In the future, due to increased water demand and the need to increase the height of its filing, especially after the steam engine, pumps gradually pushed the pumping machine. Requirements for pumps and conditions of their use became more diverse, so along with piston pumps began to create rotational, as well as various devices for feeding pressurized fluids. T., historically there have been three areas of further development: the creation of reciprocating, rotary and hydraulic devices with no moving working parts.

The rise in the development of reciprocating pumps. observed in the late 18 century. when their manufacture began to apply the metal and use the drive from the steam engine. Since the mid 19. Have been widely implemented in the production of steam direct acting piston pumps for this period include the establishment wing of pumps, a prototype of which is a piston pump with a circular cylinder is described by the French engineer A. Rammell in 1588 ("Le diverse et articiose machine"). Development of the theory of piston N. closely associated with the work of local scientists and engineers (C. Bach, G. Berg, AP Hermann, Shukhov, PK Khudyakov, I. Kukolevsky, AA Burdakov, etc.). Advances in reciprocating pumps have been widely used also in creating reciprocating compressors, hydraulic presses and other devices, but the piston pumps ranging from 20 to 30-ies. 20. Became markedly displaced from a number of areas centrifugal, rotary, etc.

Specialty pumps Grundfos

Grundfos Pump Systems are used in various technological processes in various areas of human life. Different series of equipment Grundfos qualitatively carry out their work in a given application. Among the systems the company Grundfos distinguish industrial and household pumps, perform the tasks. Circulating pumps, including automatic and fully automatic, designed for continuous circulation of water in heating systems and industrial installations for single and two-wire systems with variable supply, for heating systems installed under the floor and to perform other work.

Pumping equipment Grundfos Hilge certified to the strictest standards of industries requiring sterile, so Grundfos pumps used in the food industry, water treatment, pharmaceuticals. Different models of food Grundfos pumps can be used in the manufacture of soft drinks and beer production, the production of dairy products and in other areas.

Food pumps Grundfos Hilge series Contra, Euro-Hygia, Maxa, Maxana, Sipla, Durietta, Domina designed for pumping liquids such as milk, kefir, yogurt and yeast mixtures, serum, and also to work with the wort, alcohol, vodka.

Pumps Grundfos Sololift + can fit a shower, sink, toilet, washing machine or dishwasher at any level of home - from the cellar to the attic, without costly pipelines.

It is now widely used dosing equipment Grundfos Series 400 - Polydos 412, TD 423, Polydos 460, Polydos 440. These modern systems are compact, economical and environmentally friendly. They are characterized by a wide range of flow - from 1000 to 12000 liters per hour, to work with dry and liquid materials of various kinds, ease of use. In a rich assortment Grundfos You can find dosing systems, which can be used for safe and accurate dosing and monitoring of substances such as chlorine gas, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide.

Is made of steel, high pump Grundfos CR is able to operate smoothly for a long time in seawater.

Pump Grundfos CRT is fully made of titanium, which allows this system to work in salt water for decades without noticeable damage that would inevitably cause any hostile environment.

Grundfos Pumps Series CRT or NKS used for pumping chemically aggressive - explosive fluids, such as diesel fuel and other petroleum products.

Some types of pumps Grundfos, Grundfos ALPHA + example of a series of circulating pump, saving up to 60% of electricity, thanks to a special design, which automatically detects the speed of the pump depending on the needs of the system in heating or hot water, and pumps Grundfos CR provide efficiency exceeding 80 %.

Grundfos - it is also highly efficient equipment for disinfection of drinking water, and biological treatment of industrial wastewater.

Industrial development Grundfos used in oil and gas industry.

Pump Systems Series CR - a vertical multistage centrifugal type (in line), which are used for water, increasing pressure for various technological processes at the facilities of oil and gas industry. Through the use of modern technologies of energy saving, efficiency of pumping systems up to 81%.

A wide range of products Grundfos includes console, dosing pumps, pumping stations for water gardens, vegetable gardens and places for recreation and country houses, set to increase pressure, surface and submersible pumps used in wastewater, sewage, drainage, as well as accessories and for these and other pumping systems. Properly selected pumping equipment Grundfos different series - this is quality work in any field of industry.

If you have a problem to be solved by pumping systems - go to the experts, and will help you choose the right equipment Grundfos, which is completely solve all the problems, based on the individual characteristics of your production and personal management.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The main type of current pump

The main type of modern pump - Centrifugal. Centrifugal pumps are the most common and are designed for cold or hot (t °> 60 ° C) water, viscous or corrosive liquids (acids and alkalis), waste water, mixtures of water with soil, ash and slag, peat, crushed coal and etc. Their action is based on the transfer of kinetic energy from a rotating impeller so fluid particles, which are located between its blades. Under the influence of the centrifugal force that F particles supplied to the medium from the rotor, the pump housing to continue, and in their place under the pressure of air entering the new particles, ensuring continuous operation of the pump.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

American company Taco designs and manufactures pumps

Taco Pumps

* Pumps Taco
* ESPA Pumps
* Grundfos Pumps
* Wilo Pumps
* Pumps Tapflo
* Pumps Varisco
* Pumps Victor Pumps

The American company Taco designs and manufactures pumps and pumping systems, successfully fulfilling the increasing every year as the market demands of products and system maintenance. Each year, industrial enterprises produce Taco 1.500.000 pumps and pumping installations. More than 1000 models of domestic and industrial pumping systems, as well as new engineering design, make the company Taco world famous. Six European production offices of the company and another, created in 2006 in Qingdao (China), allow us to speak on successful trends in companies in the world market in terms of increasing the produced goods and to improve them.

In 1975 in northern USA, near the city of Padua was established plant of domestic water pumps. Development of the production began with the expansion of the range of products. In 1981, purchased the plant for the production of pig iron. In 1996, Taco was a part of a transnational firm pump, which allowed to produce modern pumping systems world-level. Today Taco - a production area of 65000 m2, hundreds of workers and engineers, three plants for production and assembly of pump systems, rotors, stators, motors and plants with cast-iron foundry casting line of aluminum castings.

Purpose Pump Taco.

Reliability for all our systems, ease of use and low price products Taco promotes the wide dissemination of these pumping units in various areas of industry and everyday life. Pumping system Taco used in central heating systems, ventilation systems and air conditioning systems industrial, municipal and administrative facilities. Taco Pumps are used in refrigeration, in systems operating on solar energy for the circulation of coolant in the hot water supply systems.

* Submersible pumps Taco used for drainage of contaminated solids water, drainage basements prone to flooding.
* Pumping stations Taco used in sewer systems and industrial drainage systems, including the collection and movement of contaminated water from the tanks, which are lower than conventional non-pressure sewage systems.
* Electric pumps Taco used for water supply from natural reservoirs, pools, fountains and other water facilities.
* Taco Submersible pumps for domestic use is used for irrigation of gardens
* Taco can also be used for pumping various liquids in agriculture, animal husbandry and in the performance of production processes in industry.
* Separate pumping systems Taco Series are designed for pumping cold water in cooling systems, refrigeration units and air-conditioning.
* Complete pumping stations and installation of Taco used in modern fire suppression systems.
* Lift Pump (booster) installed Taco used in private residential systems and small systems designed for systems of civil, agricultural and industrial water supply. Such plants can also be used in the food industry.

Taco Pump Systems are divided into several types, which include a large number of different models that perform their functions in a given application.

Taco Circulating pumps circulate water in the hot water and heating. In this type of pumps include wet rotor pumps, pumps with wet rotor with the function of electronically controlled pumps with a spherical rotor, pump modules for connection to the boiler, pumps, in-line pumps and in-line c variable speed drive. Among the circulating pump systems emit Taco pumps for domestic heating VA series of different capacities. Hydraulic pumps part of this series is made of cast iron pump silent in the work, maintains the working pressure of 10 bar and is capable of pumping liquids with temperatures from 2 to 110 ° C.

Taco Circulating pumps for heating systems for collective use a series of ABD is a double pump, having an automatic return valve that prevents water going back into the pump, in case of power failure. Fluid pump is made of cast iron, the maximum working pressure - 10 bar, the temperature of the fluid - 2 - 110 ° C.

Circulating pumps Taco series BPH / BMH-DPH / DMH designed for use in ventilation and air conditioning. Such pumps are silent at work, totally sealed, equipped with automatic check valve, this series includes a large number of models with variations in capacity from 192 to 2870 watts, it can be both single and dual system with a single-or three-phase power supply.

Taco Pumps VS Series are designed for hot water systems, they are equipped with emergency stop switch and do not require overload protection, the hydraulic portion of these pumps is made of brass, working pressure - 10 bar, temperature of the liquid - 2 - 85 ° C.

Circulation pumps Taco in-line series of ALM-ALP intended for heating, hot water and air conditioning systems of civil and industrial projects. Maximum working pressure - 10 bar, water temperature from -15 to +120 ° C, pressure of 21 m working range from 0,6 to 8,4 m3 / h, power single-phase or three phase.

Pumps, Taco in-line series DKLM-DKLP - dry rotor pumps for heating, hot water and air conditioning. Operating range of pumps: 2 - 64 m3 / h, pressure up to 13,7 m, the motor rotation speed from 1400 rpm (KLM / DKLP) up to 2800 rpm (KLP / DKLP).

The following type pumps Taco - a multistage centrifugal pumps and self-priming pump system. These pumps are designed for pumping various fluids, for increasing pressure in the system. This type of pump Taco includes self-priming pumps, multistage pumps, pumps for swimming pools, automatic pumps and pumping stations, pumps for gardening and for submerged suction pumps as well as with Active and Active Driver1.

Among these types of pumps emit a series of DP - ejector type pump stations, which are intended for the abstraction of water from a depth of up to 27 m with an ejector, the power of these stations are: 0,44 - 1,85 kW power phase and three phase, single-phase models are fitted with heat and current protection, maximum working pressure of 6 to 8 bar.

Pumping stations for heating systems for collective use a series AQUAJET / AQUAJETINOX are self-priming installation with a tank of 20 liters and sensor for measuring pressure. Maximum working pressure: 6 bar, optimum depth of water extraction: 8 pm

Surface Pumps Series Taco JET / JET-INOX / JET-COM characterized by high suction capacity even when the presence of a certain amount of air in the water. Single-phase motors are equipped with systems of current and thermal protection with permanently connected capacitor. Pump housings, depending on the model made of stainless steel, cast iron or engineering resin.

Taco Pumps Series GARDENJET / GARDENINOX / GARDENCOM designed to work at my cottage. These pumping systems are used for water supply from reservoirs, ensure domestic systems and small industrial plants.

Taco Pumps Series ACTIVE SYSTEM - installation for domestic use, equipped with pressure sensors and the dry run, provide a stable pressure within the hydraulic system, working even in the presence of air in the water.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The names of most devices used for suction and discharge of liquids, composed of the word "pump" and the corresponding definitions, are characterized, as a rule, or principle of his actions (eg, centrifugal, electromagnetic), or design features (horizontal, jagged, vane) or supplied medium (eg, groundwater pumping). Sometimes, a definitive word captures the purpose or scope of the pump. (Eg, laboratory, dosing), the type of drive (manual, electric), as well as by design or company name. Several of the devices have received special names, such as: gas lift, one of the designs of which is called the Mammoth-pump, or pump Mammoet, a propellant, which include monzhus, also called pump Montezhyu or pneumatic pump.; Hydraulic elevator, the injector and the ejector is a kind of jet pump. There were also quite different destination devices, such as: vacuum pumps designed to remove gases from the closed volume, heat pumps - installation for the transfer of heat from the environment (air or water) having a lower temperature to an object with a higher temperature (eg, water heating system) Pump flux, performing the periodic changes in magnetic flux in a closed circuit, etc.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Features of pumps DAB

Products DAB - a submersible pumps and automatic stations for sewage, as well as downhole submersible pumps.

Among these pumping systems emit a series of pumps NOVA / FEKA for slime water and polluted water from the pit, pumping stations Series NOVABOX for lifting water from the basement below the level of sanitation.

Automatic lift installation DAB series FEKALIFT designed to collect and pump discharges and sewage. It is also installing DAB series FEKABOX and FEKAFOS for pumping sewage from basements and basement located below the sewer network. Volume settings range from 200 to 550 liters.

Submersible pumps series FEKA 700-800 are designed for pumping sewage waste water and solid particles with a diameter of 35 mm. For submersible pumps include DAB Pumps Series FEKA 900 (used for pumping sewage and waste water and solid particles up to 50 mm in diameter) and DRENAG 900 (used for rainwater and groundwater, clean non-aggressive waters and waters from construction sites with hard to 12 mm in diameter). For industrial applications using cast iron drainage and sewage pumping systems DAB series DRENAG - FEKA - GRINDER.

Pump DRENAG 1400M is designed for pumping water from impurities, sand, mud, dirt, and also for non-corrosive water from springs, rivers and lakes. Pumps FEKA 1400M designed for pumping dirty wastewater, untreated non-corrosive water containing solid inclusions.

GRINDER 1400M pumps designed for pumping liquids with solids and fibrous impurities. Corps of pumps and motors, impellers and suction lattice of these types of pumps made of cast iron.

Among the submersible pumps skvazhnyh DAB pumps emit vortex type with a single impeller series TURBINEL - high pressure at low power, system thermal and current protection, constantly connected capacitor.

Series electric PULSAR for use in boreholes and wells for pumping water mixed with sand to 50 g/m3 of. Series electric CS 4''used in wells with diameters up to 4 inches (100 mm), these pumps are made of stainless steel and is capable of pumping liquids with impurities of sand up to 120 g/m3.

The wide range of pumping units DAB also includes booster pumping stations in domestic, agricultural, construction and industrial use, pumping with variable speed drive, station system Active Driver1, as well as fire pumping station. Booster systems can consist of 1, 2 or 3 vertical multistage centrifugal pumps and horizontal pumps. Depending on the load can vary the speed of rotation of the rotor, and the automatic control system allows a stepwise change the number of working pumps. The main suppliers of mechanical seals, bearings and motors are well-known manufacturers such as ROTEN, BURGMAN, AEG, SKF, FAG, and this determines the high stability of operation, excellent performance properties of all systems, reliability and quality of equipment DAB. Powerful, quiet and compact DAB pump systems are constantly updated, now our specialists are ready to submit their design, implementation of which promises to lead to the emergence of a new generation of pumps. Each pump DAB is fully tested to enclosing the production stage.

All products DAB certified in accordance with international quality standards Vision 2000. The company DAB frequently and successfully at major shows pumps in major cities of Russia. The last of them - UrRFO: Energy. Heating. Ventilation. Water. HCS-2007 in Ekaterinburg and Interstroyexpo 2007, St. Petersburg, Fairgrounds.

Monday, July 19, 2010


The pump unit (hydraulic machine, apparatus or device) to move the pressure (suction and discharge), mainly liquid drops as a result of the message to her external energy (potential and kinetic).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The main parameter of the pump

The main parameter of the pump - the amount of fluid being transported in unit time, ie, carried out flow rate Q. For bolshinstvanasos critical technical parameters also include: developed pressure p or the corresponding pressure H, N, and power consumption efficiency h.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Classification of pumps USA Standard

Devices for pressure transfer of liquids are divided into species and varieties on various grounds, such as the principle of action and design. Such a feature form the basis for the classification provided in the USA Standard (ASTM 17389-72). AN can also be divided into 2 groups: the pumps, machines, actuated by motors and pumps, devices that operate at the expense of other energy sources and have no moving working parts. Pump machines are lobed (centrifugal, axial, vortex), reciprocating, rotary (gear, rotatory, plate, screw, etc.). K-pump apparatuses include jet (liquid-liquid and gas-liquid), gas-lift (including airlift), a propellant (including steam and gas), hydraulic rams, magnetohydrodynamic pumps, etc.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another way of pumps began with the invention of the so-called rotary pumps

Another way of pumps began with the invention of the so-called rotary pumps, had one rotor, which were also described Rammell. Pump with eccentric rotor is the prototype of modern sliding pumps. In 1624 I. Leyrehon in the book "La recreation mathematiqae" described the rotatory rotor pump, which can be regarded as the prototype of modern gear pumps. Later came other varieties, and rotary pumps, representative of which is, for example, labyrinthine pump, already established in the 50-ies. 20. The first vortex pump, called the centrifugal self-priming, was proposed in 1920 in Germany, engineer S. Hinshaw, and then appeared and others species.

The idea of using centrifugal force, the liquid appeared in 15. Even Leonardo da Vinci and, apparently independently of it was implemented in the early 17 century. Blankano French engineer, to build a simple centrifugal pump for water, which served as a working body of the open spinning wheel. One of the first centrifugal pump with volute casing and the four-bladed impeller was proposed by French scientist J. Papen, who perfected the design previously known blowers "Hessians". In the late 19 century. When there were high-speed heat, and then electric motors, centrifugal pumps have wider application. In 1838 Russian engineer A. Sablukov established on the basis of his earlier fan built single-stage centrifugal pump, in 1846 an American engineer, Johnson proposed a multistage horizontal pumps, in 1851 a similar pump was set up in the UK patent Guinn (Guinn pump), in 1899 a Russian engineer VA Pushechnikov developed a vertical multistage pump for drilling wells up to 250 m. This pump is built in Paris at the factory Farcot (pump FARC), was intended for water supply in Moscow, had a supply of 200 m3 / h, the efficiency to 70%.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Third direction development of devices for feeding pressurized fluid combines several ways of creating pumps

Prototypes of the propellants, according to the testimony of Heron, already produced in ancient Greece (the device to dislodge from the vessel of water heated air or steam). The first propellant production facilities were proposed in 1698 by British engineer T. Severi steam pumping plant. This device can be considered a prototype invented in Germany in 1871 Hullem pulse meter, which took two cameras and operate automatically.

The idea of using compressed air for water expressed in 1707, Papen and other engineers, but little has been applied much later (20.) - In monzhuse and double chamber water pump replacement for water wells (design engineer VP Savotin, USSR) . The water under the pressure of the combustion products of liquid fuel has been implemented in the UK in 1911 NL Humphrey.

Fundamentally different way of water or oil from wells with compressed air or other gas was used in gas lift, which had been proposed in the mid-19 century. And later found a practical application.

With the invention of the Montgolfier in 1796 automatically acting hydraulic ram there has been another way of development of devices for feeding pressurized fluid whose operation was based on the use of water spray from time to time created by water hammer. In the future, have been proposed various designs of hydraulic rams.

One variety of pump-sets was water-jet pump, which is like a laboratory device was proposed by British scientist D. Thompson in 1852 and served for the suction of water and air. The first design jet apparatus employed engineer Nagel in 1866 (presumably in Germany) to remove water from mines. Later established various jet pumps in the form of water-ejectors, steam-water injector, and many other fundamentals of the theory of jet pumps were laid in Tseynera G. and W. Rankin for the 2 nd half of 19. And received a significant development in the 30's. 20. Thanks to research by American engineers and O'Brien Goslina and Soviet specialists LD Berman, K. Baulina, A. Lozhkin, E. J. Sokolov, N. Singer, and others later proposed hydro-pneumatic water pump for wells (VP Sirotkin, YS Surenyants), in a design which combined jet pump airlift and. One of the directions of development of pump-sets is the creation of magnetohydrodynamic pumps. The first of these pumps at constant current proposed Golden (1907) and Hartmann (1919) and pumps with alternating current - Chubb (1915). However, they have become widely used in the USSR and abroad, only in 50-60-ies. 20., Mainly due to the success of nuclear energy. T., equipment lifting and moving initially only the water, then oil and other liquids in every period mainly corresponded to the level of development of productive forces and production relations.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Taco 007

In Washington state area require special attention as a problem of supply of houses with water and sanitation problem. Solve them will Taco pump equipment. On the main types of Taco pumps and requirements for their installation tells pump specialist.

- Serg, what types of pumps may require owners of Seattle?

- Customers of Taco company offers a wide range of pumps - Taco 006, Taco 007, Taco 008, Taco 009 and Taco 0010. Each of these species - its scope.

- Let's look at all the specific examples. Which Taco pump would be used for watering the garden?

- Summer residents are very popular among domestic circulator pumps "Taco". The capacity of 0,2 kW and 0,43 m3 / h capacity enough to ensure the garden plot and a house with water from a nearby reservoir. Household vibrating pump differs from the circulator pump and the lack of engine rotating parts, which greatly enhances its mechanical efficiency. He has a small size, it is easy to use and capable of pumping water at a distance of tens of meters.

- Which Taco pump to use if you want more water for household use?

- Automate the process of plumbing from wells or shallow (5-7 meters) wells will help small pumping stations. This station is mounted on the same basis and a small pump, at 22-25 liters, a membrane tank (accumulator). I must say that the weight represented in the assortment MPO Wiring "pumping stations is around 12-22 kg, that is, it may well carry one person.